WZA – Submersible PumpsWZA – Submersible Pumps
[Submersible / Deep Well Pumps]
Capacity Max | Head Max |
21m3/h | 80m |
Multi-stage, submerged, impeller pumps type WZA are ideally fit for clean water pumping, icluding and process water used in a housebold. WZA pumps should be installed when the water intake makes it impossible to apply a self-priming pump, whereas the depth of water makes it impossible to apply a deep-well pump.
Multi-tahap, rendaman, pompa impeller jenis WZA yang secara ideal cocok untuk memompa air bersih termasuk proses air yang digunakan dalam suatu rumah. Pompa WZA harus dipasang ketika asupan air tidak memungkinkan untuk menerapkan pompa utama, sedangkan kedalaman air tidak memungkinkan untuk menerapkan pompa sumur dalam.
[Sewage Pumping Station]
[Sewage Pumping Station]